About me

1 – Broadcasting & Music journalism

outdoor music show 2011


Producer / host / columnist on Radio-Canada radio (the French CBC) since 1992.

To listen to my columns on music (in French), subscribe to my Facebook page HERE / Pour écouter mes chroniques et découvrir des musiques de partout, abonnez-vous à ma page ICI .


Monthly column featuring Canada’s young Inuit music artists

Monthly column featuring Canada’s First Nations music artists

both on the radio show CULTURE ET CONFITURE (Radio-Canada)


Over 1500 weekly columns featuring World Music artists/genres/albums on the weekly radio show LES SAMEDIS DU MONDE (Radio-Canada)


SSE image

Wrote, produced and hosted the summer season Saturday show SONGE D’UN SAMEDI D’ÉTÉ (Radio-Canada) Only delivering good news and good music 😉 !


On the morning show PHARE OUEST, I have a column where I present the young and upcoming music artists from BC & Yukon that are shaking things up in the music bizz. It’s called PLAQUES TECHTO-RYTHMES


National weekly column where I presented a ”fake quizz” called SEARCHING FOR THE SOURCE OF SUCCESS, a series on unusual covers of famous songs coming from unexpected places. I also dabbled into THE SONGS THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY OF A COUNTRY,  and THE FUTURE SOUNDS OF CANADA (on the electro-aboriginal music scene). Every week, across Canada.


Produced and hosted hundreds of radio specials dedicated to World Music, including Strictement Mondial.


Wrote, produced and hosted on Radio-Canada’s national network the 3 hour long cult World Music radio show NeoGeo – Polaroid musical du nouveau désordre mondial Sundays from 10pm to 1am

You can browse through the complete list of radio projects on my CV below.



As a contributor to the UK magazine SONGLINES, I write features, live & CD reviews.

I mostly cover the Canadian Indigenous music scene.


In June 2015, my 4-page full feature on Inuk artist Tanya Tagaq made the cover. 

Tanya 1
Tanya 2
Tanya 3
Tanya 4
Tanya 5
Tanya 6

My 4-page full feature called THE FUTURE SOUNDS OF CANADA – published in the January 2014 issue. 


Some reviews:

For the Radio-Canada.ca website Espaces Autochtones, I wrote a series of 3 articles (in French) on the work of ShoShona Kish, an Anishinabekwe community organizer, producer, activist & touring musician with the JUNO award-winning band Digging Roots.

1. October 2018, ShoShona Kish received the “Professional Excellence Award” at the WOMEX world music expo/conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


2. December 2018, ShoShona Kish helped curate the Indigenous Sounds Series at Mundial Montréal, North America’s world music summit.


3. February 2019, working in partnership with Folk Alliance International, ShoShona Kish organized and facilitated the first International Indigenous Music Summit during FAI 2019 Conference on the traditional and un-ceded territory of the Kanien’keh:ka of Kahnawà:ke.


2. World Music DJ


I breathe music. I live for music and I love to play music for people and talk about it on radio. My first paying gig was at 16 in Kibuye (Rwanda) and I never looked back. I’ve played on boats (the France-Ireland ferry crossing), trains (in the Piedmont, NW Italy), bars, restaurants, clubs and festivals. I have a knowledge and a passion for African, Indigenous, Brazilian, Latin, Flamenco, Ska, Reggae & other Caribbean music, Electronica, Middle Eastern and Film Music etc… The collision of cultures has created social shocks but also given us great music and still does. I am interested in collisions, experiments and meetings through music. Music is light years ahead of politics and current social debates. Music is also timeless. As a DJ, I always want to have a live element. Most of the time, I play with one or many percussionists.


I’ve been DJing ever since I’ve been able to put a needle on a record (that was before I knew how to walk according to my mother; a crawler DJ I was). I specialize in what some call World Music. From Art Gallery openings to Dance Clubs, Concert Halls and Catwalks, I have been creating soundscapes and soundtracks to create a musical trip. Since moving to Vancouver in 1986, I’ve opened for such artists as THE THIEVERY CORPORATION, GILBERTO GIL, PARIS COMBO and LOS AMIGOS INVISIBLES.

I’ve had many club residencies, the most notables being AFRODISIA at The ANZA Club (1992-1999), LAZY PLEASURES at The Chameleon (1994-2001), ELECTROPICAL at The Backstage Lounge (2001-2011), FIESTA AFRICANA at The Backstage Lounge (2011-2018)

Let’s not forget the musicians & percussionists who play with me regularly: Yoro Noukoussi, Israel Toto Berriel, Raphael Geronimo (Rumba Calzada), Navaro Franco (Zambai Trio), Sacha Levin, Nick Apivor, Curtis Andrew, Jack Duncan, Liam MacDonald, Robin Layne.


Past events: 


Poster_viva_la_musica 4,9 meg
Soukous N'dombolo
original wide


coconut fest
Kumbeo clean

Past residencies in Vancouver:

With my music mate Michael Laycock, we held for 10 years (Nov 2004-Nov 2014) a monthly WorldBeat Dance Party called ELECTROPICAL at the Backstage Lounge. A cool and hot spot on an island…..


I also hosted a weekly event (5 to 9pm) at The Calabash Bistro in Vancouver called COCONUT THURSDAYS ”sun-infused soundtrack for after work gatherings” spinning reggae, ska, calypso etc. (2014-2015)


A weekly event called CLAVE ! in the funky Tiki Lounge of the world famous Waldorf Hotel. (2013)


Back in the days (1992-2003) with my DJ partner Tobu Ley, we were doing a monthly African dance party called AFRODISIA…

Afrodisia femmes clean
afrodisia curve clean
afrodisia dance clean

….and a weekly lounge event called LAZY PLEASURES at the wonderful CHAMELEON Lounge.

noche cubana clean
noche cubana tonight
sapee soiree clean
lazy p ambiance clean
Lazy Pleasure paresseux clean
lazy pleasure yacht clean

Other events in Vancouver…..


The first ELECTROPICAL with Conrado Beckerman


Acid Jazz days at The Bottle, The Pic & The Chocolate Milk

(with DJs Clarence, David Jones, Michael Golf…)

Chocolate Milk1 clean

I’ve opened for some artists that I like and respect. Recently, LOS AMIGOS INVISIBLES from Venezuela, THE THIEVERY CORPORATION from D.C. and local bands like Delhi2Dublin and Tambura Rasa.

TamburaRasa ANZA July 15

I also do custom soundtracks for gallery openings, fashion shows, theme parties etc.

Check my CV below for details.

3. Books-related works

I managed/owned two international bookstores in Vancouver between 1987 and 2010.

Remember Manhattan Books & Sophia Books ?

That was me behind the counter and the concept.



I love to moderate events in French, English and Spanish (sometimes all at once)

involving the public with writers and/or illustrators.

I have been involved with:

Vancouver International Writers (and readers) Festival

VanCaf – Vancouver Comic Arts Festival


In May 2020, Les Éditions du Pacifique Nord-Ouest published my translation (from English to French) of the book

Red – A Haida Manga by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

In September 2000, Raincoast Books published my translation (from French to English) of the book

Snowman by Jacques Duquennoy

  • Hardcover: 40 pages
  • Éditeur: Raincoast Books (1 septembre 2000)
  • Langue: English
  • ISBN-10: 155192353X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1551923536

4. Concerts and Events coordinator

With my music mate, sound engineer Xavier Berbudeau, we have a production company, NeoGeo Productions. Past noteworthy events includebrazilian artist BÏA IN CONCERT,LOVE IN THE TIME OF ANDALUCIA , THE ALCHEMYST AND THE BURNERS and Italian Jazz/Cabaret pianist PAOLO SERAZZI.


For 3 years (2012-2013-2014), I was the musical director of the Western Canada chapter of LE DÎNER EN BLANC, the classy flash mob picnic organized by THE SOCIAL CONCIERGE that took place in Victoria (BC), and Vancouver (BC). Booked/put together live bands and supplied dinner/dance music.


5. Film-related work

”Metteur en sons” / Soundscape artist for numerous documentaries. I hire composers, negociate terms, do some needle-dropping etcI also do voice-over in French for any types of projects and commercials. I can do many accents. Previous projects with REAL WORLD MEDIA (Vancouver) and RED LETTER FILMS (Surrey) abounds.


Between 2011 and 2019, I was a member of the board of directors of the VANCOUVER LATIN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL, a not-for-profit organization with the mission to provide a forum for the promotion and exhibition of Latin American cinema in Vancouver. This annual festival encourages dialogue among cultures, and explores and celebrates the art of contemporary Latin American and Latin-Canadian filmmaking. The festival is taking place the last week of August every year. VLAFF’s mandate is the encouragement and appreciation of motion pictures as a medium of art, information and education. Since 2003, VLAFF has provided audiences with the unique opportunity to watch inspiring films and interact with guest filmmakers from across Latin America and the diaspora. Special screenings also allowed me to do the music selection for all to enjoy.

6. Percussionist
I play Cajón, a box-shaped percussion instrument that originates from Peru and used extensively in Flamenco music, Cuban music and Brazilian music. These days you can hear it also in such music as blues, pop, rock, funk, world music, fusion, jazz etc. I call it a drum kit in a seat !


Stay in touch:

neogeo.marc (at) gmail.com

Thanks for dropping by !

CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV – CV


Music Selecter (DJ)

June 1981 – Present.   Americas, Japan, Europe, Africa. I’ve been DJing ever since I’ve been able to put a needle on a record (that was before I knew how to walk according to my mother; a crawler DJ I was). I specialize in what some call World Music. From Art Gallery openings to Dance Clubs, Concert Halls and Catwalks, I have been creating soundscapes and soundtracks to create a musical trip. Since moving to Vancouver in 1986, I’ve opened for such artists as THE THIEVERY CORPORATION, GILBERTO GIL, PARIS COMBO and LOS AMIGOS INVISIBLES.

I’ve had many club residencies, the most notables being AFRODISIA at The ANZA Club (1992-1999), LAZY PLEASURES at The Chameleon (1994-2001), ELECTROPICAL at The Backstage Lounge (2001-2011), FIESTA AFRICANA at The Backstage Lounge (2011-prsent)

Let’s not forget the musicians & percussionists who play with me regularly: Yoro Noukoussi, Israel Toto Berriel, Raphael Geronimo (Rumba Calzada), Navaro Franco (Zhambai Trio), Sacha Levin, Nick Apivor, Curtis Andrew, Jack Duncan. 1 recommendation

  • Cal Koat Proprietor, Calcopyrite Communications Inc. Marc is a connoisseur of contemporary global music and has the gift to connect others with similar passions together to share in a communal experience, celebrating the international language. With Electropical and Clave and a host of other events under his spell, Vancouver is his proverbial oyster.

Producer / Host /Columnist


Producer / Host / Music programmer RADIO

I wrote, produced and hosted numerous radio shows since 1993.

As a freelance, I also substitute producing and/or hosting for Radio-Canada Ouest.

Partner & Producer

NeoGeo Productions

November 2010 – Present

NeoGeo productions is a Vancouver-based event production unit.
Founded by media person / DJ Marc Fournier and sound engineer / tech wizard Xavier Berbudeau.
previous event include LOVE IN THE TIME OF ANDALUCIA (Storyeum, Feb 2011); THE ALCHEMYST AND THE BURNERS
(Norman Rothstein Theatre, June 10th 2011)


Self employed

1987 – Present

Expert in World Music. Polyglott. Music anthropology. Provide soundtracks for International-Flavoured events (Art opening, movie sets, radio, television etc).
Consultant and composer for film soundtracks projects.
Workshops on music, culture and language.
Workshops on the use of books and music for language training.
Workshops on relationship between art, music, food and language in human history.
Translator (English to French & French to English)).


Sophia Books

February 2000 – May 2010

I opened Canada’s only multilingual bookstore in Feb 2000.
Books & Magazines in French, English, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian. + unique visual arts books (fashion, Tattoo, design, architecture, grafitti, music etc)
Supplied multilingual books to School, Libraries and corporate accounts. Japanese Magazines subscriptions service.

Music programmer-Fashion Shows

Self -Employed

1987 – 2007

program and mix music for fashion shows

Branch Manager

Manhattan Books (Duthie Books)

June 1987 – August 1999

)Buying, hiring, opening and closing, stocking.


Le Soleil de Colombie newspaper

January 1987 – January 1996

 wrote columns and book reviews


Rett syndrome & Music Therapy


July 1987

Rett syndrome & Music Therapy is a video documentary that I shot and edited. Produced in collaboration with Dr. Johanne Brodeur , Ph.D, MTA, Dr Brodeur holds a Doctorate in Health Science, Music, and Music Therapy and is an accredited music therapist in Canada. She is the Head of the VCM Music Therapy Department and also the Head of the Children’s Music Department. Dr. Brodeur has been a…more


  1. French Native or bilingual proficiency
  2. Spanish Professional working proficiency
  3. Portuguese Elementary proficiency
  4. Japanese Elementary proficiency
  5. English Native or bilingual proficiency

Honors, Awards & DECORATIONS

Knight of the Order of Arts & LETTERS

From the Government of France, for cultural services and inspiration.
approved by The Chancellery of Honours of the Canadian Government.

pour services rendus à la francophonie internationale, par le Ministère de la Culture de la République Française 2001. http://gazette.gc.ca/archives/p1/2001/2001-02-24/html/gh-rg-fra.html

Organizations & COMMUNITY WORK

Member of the the jury, World Music category, Canadian JUNO Awards: Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS). Member of the VANCOUVER LATIN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL’s board of directors between 2011 & 2019. Member of the CITY OF VANCOUVER BOOK AWARD jury. Since 1989 the Vancouver Book Awards have been recognizing authors of excellence writing books in any genre that contribute to the appreciation and understanding of Vancouver’s history, unique character or the achievements of its residents.